Source code for travispy.entities.branch

from ._stateful import Stateful

[docs]class Branch(Stateful): ''' :ivar int repository_id: Repository ID. :ivar str commit_id: Commit ID. :ivar str number: Build number. :ivar dict config: Build config (secure values and ssh key removed). It comes from ``.travis.yml`` file. :ivar str started_at: Time the build was started. :ivar str finished_at: Time the build finished. :ivar str duration: Build duration. It might not correspond to :attr:`finished_at` - :attr:`started_at` if the build was restarted at a later point. :ivar list(int) job_ids: List of job IDs in the build matrix. :ivar bool pull_request: Whether or not the build comes from a pull request. :ivar Commit commit: :class:`.Commit` information. ''' __slots__ = [ 'repository_id', 'commit_id', 'number', 'config', 'started_at', 'finished_at', 'duration', 'job_ids', 'pull_request', 'commit', ] @property def repository(self): ''' :rtype: :class:`.Repo` :returns: A :class:`.Repo` object with information related to current ``repository_id``. ''' from .repo import Repo return self._load_one_lazy_information(Repo, 'repository_id') @property def jobs(self): ''' :rtype: list(:class:`.Job`) :returns: A list of :class:`.Job` objects with information related to current ``job_ids``. ''' from .job import Job return self._load_many_lazy_information(Job) _FIND_MANY_EXCLUSIVE_PARAMETERS = ['repository_id', 'slug'] @classmethod def many(cls): return 'branches' @classmethod def _find_one_command(cls, command, entity_id, **kwargs): repo_id_or_slug = kwargs['repo_id_or_slug'] return '/repos/%s/%s/%s' % (repo_id_or_slug, cls.many(), entity_id)